據世界石油網8月22日報道,Commonwealth LNG與貝克休斯簽署了一項戰略協議,涉及聯邦液化天然氣公司正在路易斯安那州卡梅隆教區開發的液化天然氣設施。貝克休斯將與Commonwealth LNG合作,利用貝克休斯的LM9000航空衍生燃氣輪機技術,最大限度地提高項目的產量,并最大限度地減少排放。LM9000航空衍生燃氣輪機技術是65+兆瓦功率范圍內最有效的技術。LM9000設備訂單預計將與Commonwealth LNG項目的財務結算一起授予,該項目結算預計在2024年第一季度完成。
Commonwealth LNG認為,其與貝克休斯的關系對于確保Commonwealth LNG在2027年初開始生產至關重要。
Commonwealth LNG是一個位于路易斯安那州卡梅倫附近的墨西哥灣Calcasieu河附近年產能為930萬噸的LNG出口終端項目。該項目的領導團隊致力于通過專注于管理風險和降低資本成本來建設世界級的液化天然氣設施。
郝芬 譯自 世界石油網
Baker Hughes, Commonwealth LNG partner to develop U.S. LNG project
Commonwealth LNG has signed a strategic agreement with Baker Hughes related to Commonwealth LNG’s liquefied natural gas facility, under development in Cameron Parish, Louisiana. Baker Hughes will work with Commonwealth LNG on maximizing the project’s output and minimizing emissions using Baker Hughes’ LM9000 aeroderivative gas turbine technology – the most efficient in the 65+ MW power range. The LM9000 equipment order is expected to be granted in conjunction with financial close of the Commonwealth LNG project, which is expected in the first quarter of 2024.
The collaboration will also feature other key Baker Hughes equipment, services and software in support of the project, including its compressor technology, spare parts, maintenance services and Cordant Asset Performance Management suite.
Commonwealth LNG views its relationship with Baker Hughes as vital to ensuring that Commonwealth LNG commences production in early 2027.
Commonwealth LNG is an 9.3 MTPA LNG export terminal project located on the Calcasieu River at the Gulf of Mexico near Cameron, Louisiana. The project’s leadership team is committed to building a world-class LNG facility by staying focused on managing risk and lowering capital cost.