強勁的需求和一系列煉油廠停產事件主要是近期上漲的原因,同時市場緊縮也推高了原油價格。德爾塔公司位于特雷納的每日產能18.5萬桶的煉油廠以及Irving Oil位于加拿大New Brunswick省每日產能32萬桶的石油煉廠將在9月大部分時間和10月的一部分時間內停產,影響了地區約9%的產品供應。
"在這個時候看到價格上漲是相當不正常的。通常我們會看到價格在秋季下降”,石油價格追蹤網站GasBuddy.com的石油分析主管帕特里克·德哈恩(Patrick De Haan)在接受路透社采訪時表示。
胡耀東 譯自 油價網
U.S. Gas Prices Hit Year High As Market Tightens
U.S. gasoline prices have surged to their highest level this year, continuing their relentless climb. National average gas prices in the United States have inched up to $3.873 per gallon from $3.564 a month ago, while a gallon of diesel now averages $4.338 from $3.851 a month ago. In California and Washington, prices have surged above $5 a gallon.
Strong demand and a series of refinery outages are largely to blame for the recent rise, while tightening markets have also been pushing crude prices up. Delta's 185,000-barrel-per-day refinery in Trainer as well as Irving Oil's 320,000-barrel-per-day oil refinery in New Brunswick, Canada will be down for much of September and part of October, affecting about 9% of the product supplied in their regions.
"It is fairly abnormal to see prices going up" at this time of the year. We tend to see prices declining going into the fall," Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at price tracker GasBuddy.com, has told Reuters.
Unfortunately for the U.S. motorist, Goldman Sachs has predicted that retail gasoline prices will average as high as $3.90 a gallon this month and could remain high as supplies remain tight.
Weekly U.S. gasoline stockpiles remain below the five-year average of inventories throughout this year, putting more pressure on gas prices. Total U.S. gasoline stocks in the current month fell to 216.4 million barrels, the fifth decline in six weeks.
But high gas prices are just part of the energy challenges facing the U.S. consumer. A summer of record-breaking heat has dramatically increased electricity consumption for Americans with many now struggling to keep up with their skyrocketing electric bills. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration(EIA), the average household spends about $262 a year on air conditioning, with costs going as high as $525 in the hot and humid Southeast.