印尼國油總裁Nick Widyawati指出,非常規鉆井技術在2010年在美國成功實施,在10年內將美國從石油凈進口國轉變為石油凈出口國。這種非常規鉆井技術包括水平鉆井和水力壓裂,以幫助從難以勘探的地區汲取資源。
印尼國油Hulu Rokan公司是印尼國油的上游子公司,負責管理杜里油田開采,印尼國油Hulu Rokan公司與EOG資源公司合作,EOG資源公司是一家在非常規鉆井技術方面經驗豐富的美國公司。Widyawati補充說:“有了EOG資源公司的專業技術,我們可以獲得更多的石油和天然氣儲量,以保證國家能源安全。”
李峻 譯自 美國鉆井網站
Pertamina Debuts Unconventional Drilling Tech
PT Pertamina (Persero) has turned to unconventional drilling technology as it looks to hit its production target.
The company marked a milestone by deploying the technology at the first exploration well in the Duri field of the Rokan block.
Nicke Widyawati, President Director of PT Pertamina, noted that unconventional drilling technology was successfully implemented in the USA in 2010, transforming the country from a net importer to a net exporter within a decade. It includes horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing to help recover resources from hard to explore areas.
"The unconventional drilling technology application can boost Rokan Block's production to strengthen the national energy resilience while supporting the Government's goal of producing a million barrels of crude oil per day," said Widyawati in a press release.
PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan, a Pertamina upstream subholding that manages the Duri field, has partnered with EOG Resources, a USA company experienced in unconventional drilling technology. "With EOG's expertise, we can yield more significant oil and gas reserves to achieve national energy security," added Widyawati.
The unconventional drilling technology was applied in the North Duri Development (NDD) Area 14 Stage-1 of the Rokan block. This new technology implementation is part of a new steam flood area development after Pertamina took over the Rokan block’s management.
Pertamina added it is committed to supporting the Net Zero Emission 2060 target by continuously promoting programs that directly contribute to achieving sustainable development goals.