在奧地利維也納舉行的第八屆歐佩克國際研討會期間,科威特副總理、石油部長兼經濟和投資事務國務部長Saad Al Barrak告訴阿聯酋通訊社,該國的目標是到2024年底日產320萬桶石油。Barrak還表示,科威特計劃到2040年向能源部門投資超過3000億美元(921.9億科威特迪拉姆)。
郝芬 譯自 海上工程網
Kuwait targets daily oil production of 3.2 million barrels by 2024
Kuwait is making major moves to boost oil production, the country’s deputy prime minister has announced.
Speaking at the sidelines of the 8th Opec International Seminar in Vienna, Austria, Saad Al Barrak, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Oil and Minister of State for Economic and Investment Affairs of Kuwait, told the Emirates News Agency that the country is aiming to produce 3.2 million barrels per day (bpd) of oil by the end of 2024. Al Barrak also stated that Kuwait plans to make more than $300bn (Kd92.19bn) of investments into the energy sector by 2040.