據世界石油2023年5月30日報道,哈里伯頓公司日前為挪威國家石油理事會啟動了Diskos 2.0國家數據存儲庫(NDR)。Diskos 2.0是油氣行業第一個完全云原生NDR程序平臺。
Diskos 2.0存儲了關鍵的勘探和生產數據,對于推動挪威油氣行業的投資至關重要。升級后的系統集成了先進的自動化和人工智能功能,可以從數據中獲得更好的推理,降低每個字節的成本,并提高在多云環境中處理超過28拍字節(1拍字節為2500萬千兆)數據(包括副本)的可擴展性。
Diskos 2.0通過連接第三方服務來增加新的功能。它允許參與者在功能齊全的石油技術軟件環境(如哈里伯頓蘭德馬克DecisionSpace 365)中立即訪問所有地震、井和生產數據,而無需將數據從NDR移動到本地網絡。
挪威國家石油理事會財務和共享服務副主任路易斯·福斯表示:“Diskos 2.0為作業者和主要油氣利益相關者提供了一個干凈、透明的信息和數據管理環境。它確保了我們的成員可以訪問并執行數據處理、解釋和分析,而不必先復制數據。”
李峻 編譯自 世界石油
Halliburton launches oil, gas industry’s first fully cloud-native NDR implementation
Halliburton Company launched the Diskos 2.0 National Data Repository (NDR) for the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate. Diskos 2.0 is the industry’s first fully cloud native NDR implementation.
Diskos 2.0 stores critical exploration and production data and is vital to drive investments in Norway’s oil and gas industry. The upgraded system incorporates advanced automation and artificial intelligence capabilities to derive better insights from the data, reduce cost per byte, and improve scalability to handle over 28 petabytes of data, including a copy, in a multi-cloud environment.
Diskos 2.0 connects to third-party services to add new functionalities. It allows members to instantly access the full range of seismic, well, and production data in a fully functional petrotechnical software environment, like Halliburton Landmark DecisionSpace 365, without moving data from the NDR to a local network.
“Diskos 2.0 provides operators and key oil and gas stakeholders with a clean, transparent information and data management environment,” said Louis Vos, Assistant Director of Finance and Shared Services, National Petroleum Directorate. “It ensures that our members can access and perform data processing, interpretation, and analytics without having to copy it first.”
The upgraded system is hosted on Halliburton’s iEnergy cloud environment. It will be available to 79 Diskos members, including oil and gas companies, service companies, and academia.
“Halliburton’s digital ecosystem and innovative digital approach to Diskos shortens the path from data to insights for members,” said Nagaraj Srinivasan, Senior Vice {resident of Landmark, Halliburton Digital Solutions, and Consulting. “It provides a boost for exploration and investments in the Norwegian shelf and plays a vital role to fortify Norway’s position as a predictable, long-term global supplier of energy.”