據油價網12月21日報道,加拿大投資管理公司Ninepoint Partners LP的合伙人兼高級投資組合經理埃里克·納托爾12月21日對英國《金融郵報》表示,2023年油價將回到每桶100美元。分析師們表示,今年阻礙油價上漲的許多不利因素,包括全球經濟復蘇和幾個國家政府協調發布的戰略石油儲備(SPR)釋放,到2023年將不復存在。再加上對石油和天然氣的制裁,這應該會推高油價。他還預測,由于石油和天然氣股票的高需求,2023年能源板塊的表現將繼續優于其他市場板塊。
李峻 編譯自 油價網
$100 Oil To Return In 2023
· Portfolio manager Eric Nuttall sees oil returning to $100 per barrel in 2023.
· The end of coordinated SPR releases, the gradual reopening of the global economy and sanctions on crude could lift oil prices in 2023.
· Bank of America predicted that Brent could quickly go past $90 per barrel on the back of a dovish pivot in the U.S. Federal Reserve.
Eric Nuttall, partner and senior portfolio manager at Ninepoint Partners LP, has told the Financial Post that oil prices will return to $100 per barrel in 2023. According to the analysts, many of the headwinds that have cut short the oil price rally this year including the gradual reopening of the global economy and the coordinated SPR releases by several governments, will no longer be there in 2023. Coupled with sanctions on oil and gas, this should elevate oil prices. He has also predicted that the energy sector will continue to outperform other market sectors due to high demand in oil and gas stocks.
Nutall is not the only bull here.
Last week, the Bank of America predicted that Brent could quickly go past $90 per barrel on the back of a dovish pivot in the U.S. Federal Reserve and a “successful” economic reopening.
BofA has forecast that Brent prices--currently trading at $77.93--will average $100/bbl in 2023 thanks to oil demand recovery on a post-COVID reopening coupled with a drop in supplies of about 1 million barrels per day (bpd). According to the investment bank, OPEC+ is likely to fully implement a 2 million bpd output cut in a bid to boost oil prices.
The forecast has come at a time when oil prices have been steadily declining due to fears that a weakening global economy would curb fuel demand.
“Our oil demand and price projections for 2023 rely heavily on robust Asia demand growth, so any Asia reopening delays could affect our expected price trajectory,” said the bank.
Crude oil futures have surrendered nearly all gains for the year, posting their largest weekly losses in more than eight months, as restarts for key pipelines eased supply concerns coupled with ongoing worries about a global recession and weaker crude demand.