盛寶銀行(Saxo Bank)大宗商品策略主管Ole Hansen告訴City A.M. ,國內可再生能源斷斷續續的表現讓西方國家付出了高昂的代價。
曹海斌 編譯自 油價網
Saxo Bank: UK Will Scramble For Gas When Wind Isn’t Blowing
The UK will be scrambling for highly expensive gas imports to meet its energy needs this winter to stave off blackouts whenever the wind doesn’t blow, warned a leading energy expert.
Ole Hansen, head of commodity strategy at Saxo Bank, told City A.M. that the intermittent performance of domestic renewable power is proving costly for the West.
He argued the country lacks a reliable alternative base load of power aside from highly expensive natural gas.
He said: “Europe and the UK are in short supply of base-load which can reduce the spikes seen in prices on days the wind does not blow. Not least in the UK, where the power generation from renewables has been so volatile that the change from high production to low has been the equivalent of turning on and off 15 nuclear power plants, each producing 1GW.
“Going forward, it highlights the risk of very expensive power days when the wind doesn’t blow and where supply has to be made up from gas as nuclear input is lower than normal.”
Wind power has consistently made up a significant minority of the UK’s energy mix, and is currently generating 45 percent of the UK’s power.
However, in recent weeks, this dropped to below eight percent, when National Grid called for the UK’s three standby coal power units to warm up earlier this month, before terminating the request when demand eased.
The UK has instead relied on vast inflows of liquefied natural gas from overseas vendors such as the US and Qatar to meet both its energy needs and demand on the continent.