海王星能源公司董事總經理Odin Estensen表示,“我們積極探索靠近現有基礎設施的地區。這些近場發現有助于低成本和低碳開發。對Calypso的初步分析表明了商業潛力。現在,我們將與Calypso許可證的合作伙伴一起研究如何利用附近的基礎設施有效開發該發現。”
Calypso發現位于海王星的核心區域之一,距離Draugen油田西北14公里(9英里),Njord A平臺東北22公里(13英里)。
該發現合作伙伴股權占比為海王星能源(運營商,30%),OKEA ASA (30%), Pandion Energy AS(20%)和V?r Energi ASA (20%)。
郝芬 譯自 世界石油
Neptune Energy confirms new discovery in the Norwegian Sea
Neptune Energy and its license partners on Dec. 2 announced a new discovery at the Calypso exploration well (PL938) in the Norwegian Sea. Preliminary estimates are between 1 million standard cubic meters (MMscm) to 3.5 MMscm of recoverable oil equivalents, corresponding to 6 – 22 million barrels of oil equivalent.
Calypso is Neptune Energy’s third discovery in six months on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.
“We actively explore in areas close to existing infrastructure. These near-field discoveries allow for low cost and low carbon developments,” Odin Estensen, managing director for Neptune Energy, said. “Initial analysis of Calypso indicates commercial potential. Together with our partners in the Calypso licence we will now study options to effectively develop the discovery using nearby infrastructure.”
The Calypso discovery is located within one of Neptune’s core areas, 14 km (9 miles) north-west of the Draugen field and 22 km (13 miles) north-east of the Njord A platform.
Well 6407/8-8S was drilled to a vertical depth of 3,496 m and encountered an estimated 8 m thick gas column and 30-m thick oil column in a 131 m thick Garn Formation sandstone reservoir, of good to very good quality.
Partners: Neptune Energy (operator, 30%), OKEA ASA (30%), Pandion Energy AS (20%) and V?r Energi ASA (20%)