據道瓊斯10月19日消息,盡管在產量下降和成本生產率降低之下,貝克休斯公司第三財季出現虧損,但仍對石油和天然氣前景持樂觀態度。這家工業服務和油田服務公司認為,全球油氣上游支出應該會長期回升。該公司首席執行官Lorenzo Simonelli表示∶“天然氣和液化天然氣價格居高不下仍然支持未來石油和天然氣的最終投資決策。”此外,Simonelli表示,歐洲和美國最近的政策動向可能有助于支持清潔能源開發的大幅增長。
龐曉華 摘譯自 道瓊斯
Baker Hughes Sees Multi-Year Upturn in Global Upstream Oil, Gas Spending
Baker Hughes remains positive on the outlook for oil and gas despite swinging to a 3Q loss on the back of lower volume and lower cost productivity. The industrial service and oil field services company believes there should be a multi-year upturn in global upstream spending. "Elevated natural gas and liquefied natural gas pricing remains constructive for future oil and gas final investment decisions," CEO Lorenzo Simonelli says. Furthermore, Simonelli says that recent policy movements in Europe and the US. will likely help support a significant increase in clean energy development.