據世界天然氣10月14日消息稱,英國能源公司bp已經為其擬建的大型綠色氫生產設施HyGreen Teesside提交了投標,并與Teesside地區潛在的承購商達成了新的協議。
HyGreen Teesside項目的目標是成為英國最大的綠色氫氣設施之一,目標是到2025年生產,初始計劃階段的氫氣裝機容量為80兆瓦。
曹海斌 摘譯自 世界天然氣
UK: BP’s green hydrogen project gains ground
British energy company BP has submitted a bid for its proposed large-scale green hydrogen production facility, HyGreen Teesside, and secured new deals with potential off-takers in the Teesside area.
The aim of the HyGreen Teesside project is to be one of the biggest green hydrogen facilities in the UK, targeting production by 2025 with an initial planned phase of 80MWe of installed hydrogen production capacity.
It could play an important role in the delivery of the UK’s net zero targets and aims to deliver up to 5% of the UK’s hydrogen target of 10GW by 2030 upon reaching its planned expansion of up to 500MWe, BP said.