據世界石油9月23日消息稱,在收到丹麥能源機構的開發批準后,英力士及其在Solsort的合作伙伴Danoil和Nords?fonden就北海丹麥部分Solsort West油田的開發達成了最終投資決定。
Solsort開發由兩口井組成。Solsort油氣將通過英力士運營的Syd Arne裝置進行生產。Solsort的首批油氣預計將于2023年第四季度投產。Solsort的生產將對丹麥和歐洲的能源供應和自給自足作出寶貴貢獻。當Solsort開始生產時,來自英力士的天然氣將覆蓋丹麥天然氣消費量的10%。
曹海斌 摘譯自 世界石油
INEOS and partners approved to develop Solsort field offshore Denmark
INEOS and its partners in the Solsort Unit, Danoil and Nords?fonden, have agreed on Final Investment Decision regarding the development of the Solsort West field in the Danish part of the North Sea after having received the approval of the development from the Danish Energy Agency.
The Solsort development consist of two wells. The Solsort oil and gas will be produced via the Syd Arne installation operated by INEOS. First oil and gas from Solsort is expected in Q4 2023. The production from Solsort will be a valuable contribution to Danish and European energy supply and self-sufficiency. When Solsort starts production the gas from INEOS will cover up to 10 % of the Danish gas consumption.