據離岸工程網9月15日報道,海上鉆井承包商Maersk drilling與荷蘭Petrogas E&P公司簽訂了5口井的合同,應用于該公司惡劣環境下的一個自升式鉆井平臺。這將使該鉆井平臺在完成當前任務后能夠在荷蘭近海進行鉆井活動。
Maersk Drilling周三通知稱,該公司已同意就Maersk Resolute自升式鉆井平臺與Petrogas簽訂的協議進行修改,根據該協議,新簽訂的5口井鉆井合同將取代之前簽訂的合同中的一個選項。
壽琳玲 編譯自 離岸工程
Extra five-well drilling gig for Maersk rig in North Sea
Offshore drilling contractor Maersk Drilling has secured five more wells with Petrogas E&P Netherlands for one of its harsh-environment jack-up rigs by replacing an option within the previously agreed contract. This will enable the rig to carry out a drilling campaign offshore the Netherlands once it completes its current assignment.
Maersk Drilling informed on Wednesday that it has agreed to an amendment of the deal with Petrogas for the Maersk Resolute jack-up rig, under which a newly entered five-well drilling contract will replace an option included in the previously entered contract.