據油價網9月8日報道,在歐洲,對經濟可能陷入深度衰退的擔憂仍在繼續。 與此同時,這些擔憂似乎在北美逐漸平息——至少在石油工業是這樣。相反,頁巖和油砂產量又回到了增加模式。
挪威著名能源研究和商業情報公司雷斯塔能源公司(Rystad)高級分析師Rob Mathey告訴彭博社說:“我們在某種程度上正處于前所未有的領域。”他說,這種設備供應狀況“將真正導致勘探與生產試圖增加產量的問題”。
還有更多跡象顯示,美國石油工業的樂觀情緒正在恢復。最近高露潔能源公司和百年資源開發公司的合并就是其中之一。 高露潔能源公司的所有者認為,美國石油產量將會繼續增加,這是因為二疊紀遠景區一部分的特拉華盆地的低成本頁巖探區。
李峻 編譯自 油價網
The U.S. Oil Industry Won’t Stop Growing
· The North American oil industry is growing faster than expected
· Companies' biggest worry is no longer the possibility of the economy sliding into a recession but the supply of enough equipment.
· "We're kind of in unprecedented territory here," Rob Mathey, a senior analyst at Rystad Energy, said.
In Europe, fears of a potentially deep recession continue to take hold. Meanwhile, these fears seem to have subsided in North America—at least in the oil industry. Instead, it's back to growth mode for the shale patch and the oil sands.
This is according to Schlumberger, whose chief executive said this week that activity in the North American oil industry was growing faster than expected, with companies' biggest worry no longer the possibility of the economy sliding into a recession but the supply of enough equipment.
The equipment security seems to have lingered after the worst of the pandemic-driven supply chain chaos subsided. Bloomberg reported that many companies struggled to secure the fracking equipment they need earlier this month because of the short supply.
The report noted that oilfield service providers, including Halliburton, were "reconditioning" existing equipment rather than building new because of their wariness of another downturn that would make such an investment pointless. Among the things that are in short supply are frack pumps and frack crews: the labor shortage has also lingered after the pandemic.
"We're kind of in unprecedented territory here," Rob Mathey, a senior analyst at Rystad Energy, told Bloomberg. This supply situation, he said, "is going to really lead to issues with E&Ps trying to grow."
Schlumberger's Olivier La Peuch, however, sounded on a much more optimistic note this week. "There is huge momentum," he said at an industry event as quoted by Reuters, adding that investment rates in the industry were "something I've not seen for quite some time."
There are also more signs of returning optimism in the U.S. oil industry. The recent merger between Colgate Energy and Centennial Resource Development is one of them. The owners of Colgate Energy believe that U.S. oil production is going to grow, and it's going to grow because of the low-cost shale acreage in the Delaware Basin, part of the Permian play.
"Growth gets harder over time as the best inventory in North America gets depleted," James Walter told Bloomberg. "The Delaware has more room to run and more top-tier undeveloped inventory than any other basin."
Yet despite the upbeat sentiment demonstrated by Schlumberger and Colgate Energy, the Energy Information Administration just revised down its production outlook for 2023 by some 70,000 barrels daily to 12.63 million bpd. While not a huge revision, the figure suggests there are still obstacles to all-out growth.