第一個項目是Ormen Lange氣田項目的第三階段,該項目將使該氣田的采收率從75%提高到85%,并在整個項目期間將天然氣產量提高到400億立方米。
該國政府還批準了開發Tommeliten A區塊的計劃,該發現部分位于北海的英國一側。天然氣和凝析油項目預計將達到1.8億桶油當量。
Tommeliten A由康菲石油公司運營,持股比例為28.14%,合作伙伴Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo持股比例為42.2%,道達爾持股比例為0.15%,V?r Energi持股比例為0.07%。預計2024年開始生產。
Frosk油田由Aker BP,Vr Energi和倫丁能源合作運營。
郝芬 譯自 《能源年》
Norway green lights gasfield development
The Energy Year
July 12, 2022
Norway’s energy ministry has approved three development projects to increase gas output on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, Reuters announced on Friday.
The first is for the third phase of Ormen Lange gasfield project, which will boost the play’s recovery rate from 75% to 85% and increase gas production to 40 bcm over the length of the entire project.
The play is Norway’s second largest offshore gasfield and is operated by Shell.
Commissioning of the third phase is expected in 2025.
The government also approved plans to develop the Tommeliten A discovery, which is partly located on the British side of the North Sea.
The gas and condensate project is expected to contain up to 180 million boe.
Tommeliten A is operated by ConocoPhillips with a 28.14% stake, along with partners Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo with a 42.2% stake, TotalEnergies with a 0.15% stake and V?r Energi with a 0.07% stake.
Production is expected to begin in 2024.
The ministry also approved development of the Frosk discovery located 28 kilometres south of the Alvheim field in the Central North Sea.
The USD 230-million development plans are targeting estimated reserves of 10 million boe.
Production is expected to begin in 2023.
The Frosk field is operated by Aker BP, along with partners V?r Energi and Lundin Energy.