Hynion瑞典公司首席執行官Slavica Djuric表示:“這是氫燃料在交通運輸領域向前邁出的重要一步。”
瑞典能源署(Swedish Energy Agency)將向Hynion提供6140萬瑞典克朗,用于建造這些加氫站,并為現在將逐步投入使用的卡車提供便利。
李峻 編譯自 氣體世界網
Hynion to build two new hydrogen stations in Sweden
Scandinavian hydrogen fuel company, Hynion, have announced two high-capacity hydrogen stations in Sweden.
The stations will be situated in the towns of V?ster?s and J?nk?ping with a capacity of 1500 kg hydrogen per day.
Slavica Djuric, CEO of Hynion Sweden, said, “This is an important step forward for hydrogen for the transport sector.”
The Swedish Energy Agency is providing SEK61.4m as a grant to Hynion for the stations and be built to facilitate the trucks that will now be phased in.
Djuric added, “We now see clear actions from the Swedish authorities that they are serious about introducing hydrogen for heavy transport, which makes us very optimistic about the development.”
“These two stations are located in central logistics hubs which mean that a lot to the transport companies that now will convert to zero emissions. Cars will of course also be welcomed.”