伍德麥肯茲研究主管Sushant Gupta說:“如果低碳氫具有成本競爭力,并且隨著時間的推移政策支持不斷發展,低碳氫有潛力取代專用氫作為原料,使全球煉油廠在范圍1和范圍2內的整體碳排放量減少10%即1億噸/年。”
曹海斌 摘譯自 烴加工新聞
Low-carbon hydrogen demand in refining could reach 50 Mtpy by 2050
Potential low-carbon (green or blue) hydrogen demand from the global refining sector could reach 50 MMtpy by 2050, says Wood Mackenzie, a Verisk business.
Oil refining is one of the largest markets for hydrogen, accounting for about 32 Mtpy or 30-35% of global hydrogen demand in 2020. Hydrotreating and hydrocracking are the major refinery processes consuming over 90% of hydrogen in the refining sector, and they are used to reduce sulphur from finished products, and to increase yield of transport fuels, respectively.
However, more than 65% of hydrogen demand in refining is met by hydrogen supplied as a by-product from catalytic reformers and ethylene crackers; this is unlikely to be replaced by low-carbon hydrogen. Any hydrogen shortfall is met by on-purpose production from gas-based steam methane reforming (grey) and coal (brown), together accounting for about 32% of refinery hydrogen demand.
Wood Mackenzie research director Sushant Gupta said: “Low-carbon hydrogen has the potential to replace on-purpose hydrogen as a feedstock if low-carbon hydrogen becomes cost competitive and policy support develops over time,reduction in overall scope 1 and 2 global refinery carbon emissions.”