當地公司Heirs Oil and Gas Ltd.和ND Western Ltd. 正在競相購買殼牌在合資企業中30%的權益,該合資企業在尼日爾三角洲和附近近海地區經營資產。知情人士說,投標將于6月10日到期,由于信息是私密的,因此要求不具名。
假設長期油價為每桶50美元,能源顧問Wood Mackenzie Ltd.去年對殼牌的股權估值為23億美元。但由于布倫特原油目前的交易價格約為121美元,所持股份的價值可能要高得多。
殼牌、Heirs和ND Western拒絕置評。
殼牌去年宣布打算出售股份。首席執行官Ben van Beurden在5月份告訴股東,近年來破壞活動的顯著增加導致公司失控狀態。
今年早些時候,另外兩家本地公司——Seplat Energy Plc和 Sahara Group Ltd.——對殼牌的資產提出了不具約束力的要約,但知情人士表示,他們不再參與競標。這些公司沒有回應置評請求。
黎泱 編譯自 世界石油
Shell set to receive final offers for 30% stake in Nigeria oil, gas fields
Shell Plc is set to receive two final offers this week for its onshore oil and gas fields in Nigeria, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
Local companies Heirs Oil and Gas Ltd., and ND Western Ltd. are competing to buy Shell’s 30% interest in the joint venture, which operates assets in the Niger Delta and nearby offshore areas. Bids are due June 10, the people said, asking not to be identified because the information is private.
Energy consultant Wood Mackenzie Ltd. last year valued Shell’s stake at $2.3 billion, assuming a long-term oil price of $50 a barrel. But with Brent now trading at about $121, the stake likely is worth significantly more.
Shell, Heirs and ND Western declined to comment.
Shell announced its intention last year to sell the stake. CEO Ben van Beurden told shareholders in May that a significant increase in sabotage in recent years had resulted in a state of near-lawlessness that the company couldn’t control.
“In the end, we have to concede that this is beyond what we can do,” he said.
Potential future costs related to litigation and environmental liabilities likely would affect the stake’s valuation, two of the people said.
Two other local companies — Seplat Energy Plc and Sahara Group Ltd. — put non-binding offers for Shell’s assets earlier this year, but the people said they no longer were in the running. The firms didn’t respond to requests for comment.
While Shell is retaining its deepwater oil assets and its large liquefied natural-gas presence, it’s not the only energy giant turning its back on Nigerian onshore and shallow water fields.
Exxon Mobil Corp. agreed in February to sell its shallow-water unit to Seplat for about $1.3 billion, and France’s TotalEnergies SE wants to offload its 10% interest in the same joint venture Shell is divesting from.