據《能源年》6月6日詹姆斯敦報道,美國下游能源公司馬拉松石油公司(Marathon Petroleum Corporation)上周四宣布,北達科他州首個專用大豆加工工廠已破土動工。
這座耗資3.5億美元的Green Bison大豆加工廠將有能力每天加工15萬蒲式耳大豆,每年生產272公斤精煉植物油,馬拉松石油公司將以此為原料,每年生產約341升可再生柴油。
郝芬 譯自 《能源年》
Marathon begins building US biofuels plant
Marathon Petroleum Corporation has broken ground on North Dakota’s first dedicated soybean processing facility, the American downstream energy company announced on Thursday
The USD 350-million Green Bison Soy Processing complex will have the capacity to process 150,000 bushels of soybean per day and produce 272 kilograms of refined vegetable oil per year that will be used as feedstock by Marathon Petroleum Corporation to produce around 341 litres of renewable diesel per year.
The plant is expected to begin production in 2023.
The project is a joint venture between Marathon Petroleum Corporation and American food processing company ADM.