據世界石油4月4日報道,Maersk Drilling已與殼牌公司簽訂合同,為多個國家的海上鉆井服務提供第7代鉆井船Maersk Voyager。合同應于本月開始,合同總期限為一年。
為了在鉆井活動中保持良好的運營表現,Maersk Drilling和殼牌公司同意實施由Maersk Drilling子公司Horizon56提供的RigFlow解決方案。RigFlow實現了油井建設核心工作流程的標準化和數字化,包括陸上規劃單位、海上鉆井團隊和支持作業的服務公司之間的實時信息交換。
Maersk Drilling首席運營官Morten Kelstrup表示:“我們很高興地宣布,我們將繼續開展出色的合作,在不到兩年的時間里,我們的鉆井平臺已經獲得了殼牌附屬運營商的7項承諾。“這項協議將使Maersk Voyager能夠展示我們在不同司法管轄區之間快速高效行動的能力,并通過這種方式支持殼牌從多個不同業務的長期規劃中獲得的效率。最近,能力出眾的Voyager機組人員在安哥拉近海鉆探了一個新的世界紀錄水深,他們已經準備好以同樣高水平的卓越操作執行這個多國行動。”
Maersk Voyager是一艘高規格的超深水鉆井船,于2014年交付。
黎泱 編譯自 世界石油
Maersk Drilling secures $100 million contract for offshore drilling services with Shell
Maersk Drilling has been awarded contracts with Shell for the provision of the 7th generation drillship Maersk Voyager for drilling services offshore multiple countries. The contracts should commence this month and the total firm duration is one year.
The total contract value is approximately $107.5 million, including a mobilization fee, but excluding integrated services expected to be provided and potential performance bonuses. The contracts include an additional one-year option.
To support a strong operational performance in the campaigns, Maersk Drilling and Shell have agreed to implement the RigFlow solution delivered by Maersk Drilling subsidiary Horizon56. RigFlow standardizes and digitalizes the core workflows involved in well construction, including real-time exchange of information between onshore planning units, the offshore drilling teams, and the service companies supporting the operations.
“We’re excited to announce that we will be continuing the excellent collaboration that has now led to seven commitments for our rigs from Shell-affiliated operators in less than two years,” said COO Morten Kelstrup of Maersk Drilling. “This agreement will allow Maersk Voyager to showcase our ability to move swiftly and efficiently between jurisdictions and in this way support Shell with the efficiency gained from being able to plan in the longer term across several different operations. The highly capable Voyager crew recently drilled at a new world record water depth offshore Angola, and they’re ready to execute this multi-country campaign at the same high level of operational excellence.”
Maersk Voyager is a high-spec ultra-deepwater drillship which was delivered in 2014.