據原油新聞3月25日消息稱,印度石油和天然氣國務部長Rameswar Teli周四表示,印度政府設定了一個目標,到2030年將天然氣在能源結構中的份額從目前的約6.7%提高到15%。
此外,已為 21 個 GA 發布了意向書。此外,PNGRB 還啟動了 11A 輪 CGD 招標,用于在 6 個 GA(覆蓋 27 個地區)開發 CGD 網絡。部長說,在那之后,CGD網絡將可能覆蓋該國98%的人口和88%的地理區域。
朱佳妮 摘譯自 原油新聞
India Sets Target to Raise Share of Nastural Gas in Energy Mix to 15% by 2030
Prime Minister Narendra Modi government has set a target to raise the share of natural gas in the energy mix to 15 per cent by 2030 from the current around 6.7 per cent, Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Gas Rameswar Teli said on Thursday.
With the aim to increase coverage of CGD Networks in the country, Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) has authorised 268 GAs for development of CGD Network in the country.
Further, Letters of Intent have been issued for 21 GAs. Also, PNGRB has launched 11A CGD bidding round for development of CGD Networks in 6 GAs (covering 27 districts). After that, the CGD network shall potentially cover 98 per cent population and 88 per cent geographical areas of the country, the minister said.