據烴加工3月11日消息稱,根據美國能源情報署(EIA)的數據,原油價格上漲、煉油廠產量下降以及餾分油消耗量增加導致餾份油名義價格(未經通脹調整)達到 2014 年以來的最高水平。
隨著國內航空燃油需求的增加,煉油商正將更多生產從餾份轉向生產更多航空燃油。當前的高需求和低產量的動態是導致美國餾份油庫存持續提取的原因。根據 EIA 的“每周石油狀況報告”(WPSR)數據,2 月 25 日美國東海岸的餾分油庫存量為 3150 萬桶,比前五年(2017-2021 年)同期的平均水平低 37%。
正如 EIA 最近的《本周石油分析》中所強調的那樣,歐洲和亞洲的餾份油市場正經歷著類似的低庫存和高價格趨勢。
朱佳妮 摘譯自 烴加工
Increased demand and low inventories drive US distillate prices higher
Rising crude oil prices, low refinery production, and increased consumption of distillate fuel have contributed to the highest nominal (not adjusted for inflation) distillate prices since 2014, according to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA).
Distillate is a category of fuel that includes diesel fuel and heating oil.
US demand for distillate fuel has been high since early 2021 because of increased demand for trucking and rail freight transport. Furthermore, cold weather in January 2022 contributed to increased demand for heating oil in the Northeast this winter, a region that relies on heating oil to heat almost 20% of its homes.
Despite increased distillate demand, refinery production of distillate remains below pre-pandemic levels, partly because of comparatively slower demand growth for other petroleum products such as motor gasoline and jet fuel.
As domestic jet fuel demand increases, refiners are shifting more of their production away from distillate to produce more jet fuel. The current dynamic of high distillate demand and low production is contributing to persistent distillate stock withdrawals in the US. According to data the EIA’s ‘Weekly Petroleum Status Report’ (WPSR), distillate stocks on the US East Coast measured 31.5 million bbl on 25 February, which is 37% less than the previous five-year (2017–2021) average for that time of year.
Europe and Asia are experiencing similar trends of low inventories and high prices in their distillate markets, as highlighted in the EIA’s recent ‘This Week in Petroleum’ analysis.