據氫能源3月17日消息稱,西班牙副總統特蕾莎·里貝拉(Teresa Ribera)在略塞塔參加了新設施的落成儀式。
該項目由Enagás和ACCIONA Energía領導,IDAE和CEMEX也是參與者。
曹海斌 摘譯自 氫能源
Spain gets its first industrial renewable hydrogen plant in Mallorca
Spanish Vice President Teresa Ribera was in Lloseta for the inauguration of the new facility.
The project was led by Enagás and ACCIONA Energía, and IDAE and CEMEX were also participants.
The industrial renewable hydrogen plant produced H2 for the first time in December 2021. It is the result of the Power to Green Hydrogen Mallorca project. It will be a meaningful component of Spain’s broader effort to become the green H2 hub of note in Southern Europe. It is also a part of the European Green Hysland project and has become the first European funded H2 project powered by renewable energy in a Mediterranean country.