據《能源年》3月3日雅加達報道,印尼石油天然氣公司Medco Energi今天宣布,該公司已以13.6億美元完成對美國跨國公司康菲石油公司在印度尼西亞的全部股本的收購。
被收購的公司康菲石油印尼控股公司,經營著Corridor PSC,并持有Transasia管道公司35%的股份。
Corridor資產包含印度尼西亞南蘇門答臘島陸上的兩個生產油田和七個生產氣田。這些資產靠近Medco Energi的現有業務。Medco Energi作為PSC現在的運營商,擁有54%的股份。其合作伙伴雷普索爾和Pertamina Hulu Energi 分別持有34%和10%的股份。
郝芬 譯自 《能源年》
ConocoPhillips sells remaining Indonesian assets
Medco Energi has completed the acquisition of American multinational ConocoPhillip’s entire share capital in Indonesia for USD 1.36 billion, the Indonesian oil and gas company announced today.
The acquired company, ConocoPhillips Indonesia Holding, operates the Corridor PSC and holds a 35% interest in Transasia Pipeline Company.
The Corridor asset contains two producing oilfields and seven producing gasfields onshore South Sumatra, Indonesia. The assets are in proximity to Medco Energi’s existing operations. The PSC is now operated by Medco Energi with a 54% share. Partners Repsol and Pertamina Hulu Energi hold a 34% share and 10% share respectively.
Transasia Pipeline Company operates two gas export pipelines that deliver gas to Central Sumatra, Batam and Singapore.