GlobalData 石油和天然氣分析師 Teja Pappoppula 表示:“在英國,只有上游(油田)行業仍有巨大的發展空間。北海淺水區繼續為投資者提供重要的機會,并且是該國即將到來的油氣生產項目的重點領域。盡管 2020 年因新冠疫情而放緩,但英國北海仍在計劃幾個新項目,并有可能部分抵消該國的產量下降。”
在英國即將投產的項目中,Rose Bank是一個關鍵項目,總產能為12.1萬桶油當量/天。該項目位于設得蘭群島西部的深水區,將開發大量未開發的石油和天然氣資源,并為英國的能源安全做出貢獻。
曹海斌 摘譯自 世界石油
Globaldata: Upstream sector dominates UK oil and gas projects starts by 2026
The upstream sector is forecasted to dominate the upcoming projects count in the UK during the next four years, accounting for more than 70% of the total projects starts anticipated during that time, says GlobalData, a data and analytics company.
GlobalData’s report, ‘Europe Oil and Gas Projects Outlook to 2026 - Development Stage, Capacity, Capex and Contractor Details of All New Build and Expansion Projects,’ reveals that 105 projects are expected to commence operations in the UK. Out of these, upstream (fields) projects would be the highest with 77, midstream with 22, with refinery and petrochemicals at four and two, respectively.
“In the UK, only the upstream (fields) sector continues to offer significant scope for development,” said Teja Pappoppula, Oil & Gas Analyst at GlobalData. “Shallow waters of the North Sea continue to provide significant opportunities to investors and is the focal area for upcoming oil and gas production projects in the country. Despite the COVID-induced slowdown in 2020, several new projects are being planned in the UK North Sea and have the potential to partially offset production declines in the country.”
Among the upcoming production projects in the UK, Rose Bank is a key project with a total production capacity of 121 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day. Proposed in deep waters of West of Shetland, the project would unlock significant underdeveloped oil and gas resources and contribute to the UK energy security.
“The majority of the upcoming production projects in the UK are still in feasibility or Front End Engineering Design (FEED) stages,” Pappoppula said. “The near-term oil and gas production outlook in the UK is dependent on the successful execution of these projects, as production from several existing matured fields continues to decline due to reaching their end-of-life cycle. As a result, if upcoming projects are also unsuccessful then production will decline further.”