據油氣新聞1月21日消息稱,厄瓜多爾國家石油公司的經理Italo Cedeno表示,該公司的目標是到2022年底平均日產量達到42.5萬桶石油當量(boed)。
直到 11 月,Petroecaudor 的平均產量約為38萬桶油當量。去年12月,由于亞馬遜地區水土流失嚴重,通過SOTE管道的天然氣輸送被暫停,天然氣出口也被停止,天然氣供應量逐漸減少。
朱佳妮 摘譯自 油氣新聞
Petroecuador hopes to boost oil output to 425,000 boed by end of year
Ecuador’s state-owned oil company, Petroecuador, is targeting average output of 425,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boed) by the end of 2022, manager Italo Cedeno said on Wednesday.
Petroecaudor’s production averaged some 380,000 boed until November. It dwindled to a trickle in December after pumping through the SOTE pipeline was suspended and exports halted amid regressive erosion in the Amazon region.
Oil output, including from private companies, hit 491,707 barrels on Monday, according to the energy ministry.
As part of efforts to increase output, Petroecuador expects production at the Ishpingo field to start in May.
Petroecuador will soon wrap up tenders for drilling some 40 wells in the Ishpingo field, which Cedeno said has a potential to add 150,000 barrels a day to production.
Petroecuador will hand over at least 22 fields to the energy ministry to be included in bidding rounds for private producers expected to take place this year, he added.