據烴加工新聞1月25日消息稱,林德工程在德國啟動了一個全面的試點工廠,以展示其采用贏創膜技術的 HISELECT 如何從天然氣管道中提取氫氣,為脫碳工業做出貢獻。
林德工程公司吸附和膜廠負責人Tobias Keller表示,該解決方案為改變現有天然氣網絡以輸送氫氣提供了一種高效可靠的途徑。
朱佳妮 摘譯自 烴加工新聞
Linde Debuts Plant for Extracting Hydrogen from Natural Gas Pipelines Using Membrane Technology
Linde Engineering started a full-scale pilot plant in Germany to showcase how its HISELECT powered by Evonik membrane technology can extract hydrogen from natural gas pipelines, contributing to a decarbonized industry.
This solution provides an efficient and reliable entry to change existing natural gas networks for hydrogen transportation, said Tobias Keller, Head of Adsorption & Membrane Plants at Linde Engineering.
The process works in scenarios in which hydrogen is blending with natural gas and transported in natural gas pipelines, working for a blend of 5 to 60% hydrogen.
The process uses a combination of membrane and pressure swing absorption, which are both well-known and approved, Keller said.
“These technologies have been used for decades and Linde is the leading technology company in that regard,” Keller said. “The demonstration plant was installed as a showcase that this solution provides an efficient and reliable entry to change existing natural gas networks for hydrogen transportation.”
The technology is commercially available, he said, and is an enabler towards hydrogen economy and supports a decarbonized industry.
“Without this technology, a transition towards a hydrogen network would be far more complicated and would take several years longer,” Keller said.