全球著名商業咨詢服務多元化供應商IHS Markit日前在一份關于高影響力井的最新報告中稱,去年全球共完成了1500多口勘探井和評價井,比前一年有所增加,產出至少138億桶油當量的碳氫化合物。
IHS Markit全球信息技術研究總監Jack Rivers寫道:“盡管面臨著行業挑戰,但從資源的遠景來看,去年仍然可以實現?!?/p>
IHS Markit表示:“考慮到持續疫情的逆風和能源轉型給上游帶來的挑戰,去年全球鉆井數量略有增加,這才是重要的。”
根據IHS Markit的數據,其中約有30個發現的油氣儲量超過1億桶油當量,共交付了總探明油氣儲量的82%。
IHS Markit表示,去年全球在排名前30位的新發現中,有許多發現來源于高影響力井,去年總體上是高影響力井鉆井的成功。
去年全球開鉆了32口高影響力井,其中約三分之二的高影響力井獲得了發現。 IHS Markit表示,其中一些發現規模很大,去年新發現的綠地資源中,高影響力井占了近一半。
今年,全球計劃開鉆20多口高影響力井,其中6口在去年底或今年初開鉆的高影響力井將在今年年內完鉆。 此外,還有15口高影響力井也可能在今年開鉆。 根據IHS Markit的數據,這些鉆井項目被歸為“暫定”項目,因為它們計劃中的鉆井狀況仍存在不確定性。
“單單去年的發現就證明高影響力井仍然是勘探的一個基本層面。 今年高影響力鉆井將繼續對全球勘探產生影響,未來一年將有一些有吸引力的鉆井計劃?!盜HS Markit如是表示。
李峻 編譯自 美國油價網
High-Impact Oil And Gas Drilling Makes A Comeback
High-impact well drilling activity returned to growth in 2021 after a decade-low in 2020 when the pandemic and crash in demand made oil and gas companies slash drilling budgets and defer campaigns.
More than 1,500 exploration and appraisal wells were completed last year, up from the previous year, and delivering at least 13.8 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe), IHS Markit said in a new report on high impact wells.
“Even with the industry challenges, 2021 still delivered from a resource perspective,” Jack Rivers, Director - Technical Research, Global Content, IHS Markit, wrote.
“2021 provided a slight uptick in drilling which is significant considering the headwinds of the continuing pandemic and the challenges to upstream provided by the energy transition,” IHS Markit said.
Around 30 of the discoveries had more than 100 million boe, and delivered 82 percent of total discovered volumes, according to the consultancy.
Many of the top 30 discoveries were drilled with high-impact wells, and 2021 overall was a success for high-impact well drilling, IHS Markit said.
As many as 32 high-impact wells were spudded last year, and some two-thirds of those made discoveries. A number of these discoveries were large, and HIWs in total contributed to nearly half of the newly discovered greenfield resources in 2021, IHS Markit said.
Latin America led in terms of high-impact wells with 17 in total, with eight in Brazil, five in Mexico, and the rest drilled in Guyana, Suriname, Peru, and Bolivia.
This year, more than 20 high-impact wells are planned, while six wells which spudded in late 2021/early 2022 are due to complete in 2022. In addition, there are another 15 high-impact wells that could also spud in 2022. Those are classed as ‘tentative’ where uncertainty remains over their planned drilling status, according to IHS Markit’s data.
“HIWs remain a fundamental aspect of exploration as proven by 2021 discoveries alone. HIW drilling for 2022 will continue to have a global bearing on exploration and there a re some interesting wells planned for the forthcoming year,” said IHS Markit.