據海上工程師網2022年1月10日報道,根據挪威著名能源研究公司雷斯塔能源公司(Rystad Energy)的研究,去年全球浮式產油、儲油和卸油(FPSO)裝置租賃市場幾乎沒有受到新冠肺炎疫情大流行的影響,這主要是受巴西FPSO需求的推動,這個需求預計在2022年將繼續快速增長,預計將授出10份新合同。
Rystad表示,巴西對FPSO裝置的需求是推動去年全球需求增長的一個重要因素,去年全球授出的10份FPSO裝置租賃合同中有7個是巴西項目。 這個南美國家預計在2022年將繼續推動全球FPSO裝置租賃項目,預計將新增3艘FPSO。
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Rystad: FPSO Contracts in 2021 Hit Pre-Pandemic Levels. Ten New Orders Expected in 2022
According to Rystad Energy research, the market for floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) units almost brushed off the pandemic's effect in 2021, driven mostly by Brazil demand, and is predicted to continue apace in 2022, with 10 new awards expected.
Two lease contracts were awarded in the fourth quarter of 2021, bringing the total for the year to 10 – up from just three in 2020 – a strong rebound for the FPSO market.
Per Rystad, demand for FPSO units in Brazil was a significant contributing factor that drove 2021 growth, with seven of last year’s 10 contract awards being Brazilian projects. The South American nation is expected to continue driving global awards in 2022, with an additional three FPSOs expected.
Not only is Brazil delivering more awards, Rystad said, but the Brazilian projects are expected to be the largest in terms of production capability.