據Zawya 1月17巴黎報道,法國道達爾能源公司和日本Inpex公司表示,他們已同意將安哥拉14區塊的權益出售給安哥拉Somoil公司,具體金額不詳。
安哥拉14區塊由道達爾能源國際控股公司和Inpex 安哥拉14區塊有限公司持有,分別持有50.01%和49.99%的股份。
“通過剝離對成熟油田的權益,道達爾能源正在實施其石油投資組合升級戰略,專注于低成本和低排放的資產,”道達爾能源勘探與生產非洲區高級副總裁Henri-Max Ndong-Nzue表示。
為了增加清潔能源資產,Inpex去年12月表示,將從三菱手中收購一家荷蘭海上風力發電公司。該公司還將購買印尼Muara Laboh地熱發電項目的股份。
裘寅 編譯自 Zawya
TotalEnergies, Inpex to sell their interests in Block 14 in Angola
PARIS- France's TotalEnergies and Japan's Inpex Corp said that they had agreed to sell their interests in Angola's Block 14 B.V. to Angolan Company Somoil for an undisclosed sum.
Angola Block 14 B.V, which is owned by TotalEnergies Holdings International B.V with a 50.01% stake and Inpex Angola Block 14 Ltd with a 49.99% stake, holds a 20% interest in block 14 in Angola and a 10% interest in block 14K.
Net production from Block 14 B.V. was 9,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day in 2021, TotalEnergies said.
"By divesting this interest in mature fields, TotalEnergies is implementing its strategy to highgrade its oil portfolio, focusing on assets with low costs and low emissions" said Henri-Max Ndong-Nzue, Senior Vice President Africa of TotalEnergies Exploration & Production.
For Inpex, Japan's biggest oil and gas explorer, the move is part of an ongoing review of its asset portfolio amid the global trend toward decarbonisation, a company spokesperson said.
"Our core geographic areas for exploration and production (E&P) are Japan, Australia, Indonesia and Abu Dhabi, with an additional exploration focus on Barents Sea in Norway," the Inpex spokesperson said.
"We will not sell all E&P assets in other geographic areas, but we will continue to review to optimize our asset portfolio," they added.
In an effort to boost cleaner energy assets, Inpex said in December it will buy an offshore wind power generation company in the Netherlands from Mitsubishi Corp8058.T, and that it will purchase a stake in the Muara Laboh geothermal power project in Indonesia.