據世界天然氣網站2021年12月30日消息 俄羅斯副總理亞歷山大·諾瓦克預計,明年石油產量將增長5%,并在2022年5月達到疫情前的水平。
王磊 摘譯自 世界天然氣
Russia’s oil output to rise by 5 per cent in 2022
Russia’s deputy prime minister Alexander Novak expects the oil output to rise by 5 per cent next year and reach its pre-pandemic level by May 2022.
Novak informed on Friday that Russia’s production of crude and condensate in 2022 is expected to rise by 5 per cent to about 540 or 550 million mt, or up to 11.045 million b/d.
Previously, Novak stated that the country’s oil production is set to reach the pre-pandemic level by May next year, as the OPEC+ alliance continues to increase output monthly to meet rising demand.