根據(jù)總部位于英國的全球著名咨詢公司伍德麥肯茲(Wood Mackenzie/WM)的最新報告,國家石油公司(NOC)也將在許多關(guān)鍵的深水盆地中占據(jù)重要位置。
報告說,“要特別注意巴西國家石油公司。 這家巴西國有石油巨頭正在卷土重來,計劃在巴西不同遠景區(qū)鉆8口初探井。”
報告說,“地理位置將繼續(xù)縮小,但預計一些老熱門地區(qū)仍將存在——美國墨西哥灣、巴西和墨西哥。 在圭亞那和蘇里南最近發(fā)現(xiàn)的超級遠景區(qū)的鉆探作業(yè)將繼續(xù)進行,盡管可能成功率較低?!薄霸诎拇罄麃?、以色列、塞浦路斯和哥倫比亞,由于天然氣在脫碳方面的長期重要性繼續(xù)上升,也有大型深水氣井即將投產(chǎn)?!?/p>
美國市場情報公司能源實踐聯(lián)席主管亞瑟·迪金表示,“斯塔布魯克區(qū)塊的總儲量預計將是這個數(shù)字的兩倍,其中大約20%將是天然氣。 但我們甚至從我們的消息來源那里聽說,該區(qū)塊的實際天然氣儲量可能遠高于目前為止披露的數(shù)量。 所以,說實話,我認為天然氣將是圭亞那巨大的盈利機會,我們看到圭亞那將成為加勒比共同體的天然氣出口中心?!?/p>
李峻 編譯自 今日石油網(wǎng)
Drilling in ‘super plays’ like Guyana will intensify this year – WoodMac
Globally, deepwater will remain an exclusive sector with few operators, and oil majors will continue to dominate, accounting for 45% of planned deepwater drilling in 2022, particularly in ‘super plays’ like Guyana, Suriname and Brazil.
According to new insight from Wood Mackenzie, National Oil Companies (NOC) will also feature in many of the key deepwater basins.
“Keep a special watch-out for Petrobras. The Brazilian national champion is roaring back with plans for eight wildcats targeting various plays in Brazil,” WoodMac said.
According to the U.K based consultancy group, nearly half of all planned exploration offshore in 2022 will be in the deepwater.
“The geography will continue to narrow but expect to see some old favourites remain – US GoM, Brazil and Mexico. Drilling in the more recently discovered super plays in Guyana and Suriname will continue, although perhaps with lower success,” WoodMac said. “There are also big upcoming deepwater gas wells in Australia, Israel, Cyprus and Colombia, as the importance of gas in the de-carbonising story for the longer term continues to rise.”
Analysts have said large volumes of gas at Stabroek Block offshore Guyana, where over 10 billion barrels of oil equivalent have already been found, could see the country becoming an export hub.
“The total projected reserves are estimated to be double that and around 20 percent of this will be gas. But we’ve even heard from our sources that the actual amount of gas is likely to be much more than what has been revealed so far,” said Arthur Deakin, Co-Director of Energy Practice at Americas Market Intelligence. “So, honestly, I think that the gas is going to be a tremendous monetization opportunity in Guyana, and we see it becoming a gas exporting hub for CARICOM.”
Drilling operations offshore Guyana continue in earnest with a series of exploration, appraisal and development campaigns underway at Stabroek Block, the largest acreage. The country’s second FPSO – the Liza Unity – arrived in October and is gearing up to begin oil production early this year.