據世界天然氣網1月7日消息 盡管2021年12月出口量有所下降,但來自澳大利亞的格拉德斯通港的三個液化天然氣出口設施的LNG出口量在2021年達到了創紀錄的2328萬噸。
吳恒磊 編譯自 世界天然氣
Australia: Gladstone LNG exports excel in 2021
Despite the drop in December, LNG exports from the three LNG export facilities off Gladstone Port hit a record high in 2021 with 23.28 million metric tonnes of the chilled fuel.
Shipping data from the Gladstone Ports Corporation shows that the LNG exports finished with 4 per cent over the previous record high. Specifically, LNG was exported from the three liquefaction plants located on Curtis Island offshore Gladstone.
The three LNG export projects, each with two liquefaction trains, are:
Australia Pacific LNG (ConocoPhillips) with 9 million mt/year nameplate capacity;
Gladstone LNG (Santos) with 7.8 million mt/year;
Queensland Curtis LNG (Shell) with 8.5 million mt/year.
However, the numbers in December were quite low; the month finished with 1.88 million metric tonnes of LNG, which is a five-month record low. It was also down 14 per cent compared to December 2020, and 12 per cent compared to November.
Despite all this, the year finished with 23.28 million metric tonnes compared to 22.37 million metric tonnes in 2020.