據鉆機地帶12月22日消息稱,俄羅斯天然氣工業公司的2022 年預算對天然氣價格采取了典型的審慎態度,盡管其主要出口市場的能源成本創下歷史新高,而且幾乎沒有跡象表明歐洲的能源緊縮正在緩解。
俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司歷來對其預算估計持謹慎態度,稱這有助于減輕價格波動的影響。在 2021 年的預算中,該公司對出口價格提出了類似的預留要求,即 250 美元/1000立方米,但沒有實現。據該公司副首席執行官familil Sadygov稱,天然氣生產商2021年的平均出口價格實際上要高得多,超過280美元/ 1000立方米。
俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司保守的 2022 年預算出臺之際,其主要出口市場歐洲在供應緊縮的情況下陷入困境,近幾個月來,基準天然氣合同屢屢打破紀錄。來自俄羅斯的供應受限意味著歐洲大陸不得不依賴其耗盡的天然氣儲存設施,而整個歐洲大陸的核中斷意味著需要更多的天然氣來發電。明年歐洲天然氣供應的前景看起來也不會好多少。
根據彭博新聞社看到的介紹,該公司預計明年在所有海外市場的出口價格為296美元/ 1000立方米,包括歐洲、土耳其、以及其他亞洲國家。俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司2022年的預算預計出口總量為2270億立方米,比2021年預算的基礎水平高出約2%。
盡管俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司對出口價格預測持謹慎態度,但由于歐洲天然氣緊縮和隨后的價格上漲,該公司仍預計今年和 2022 年的收益將創下歷史新高。
朱佳妮 摘譯自 鉆機地帶
Gazprom Sees Gas 2022 Export Price Up Six Percent
Gazprom PJSC’s 2022 budget took a typically prudent view of gas prices, despite record-high energy costs in its main export market and few signals Europe’s energy crunch is abating.
The Russian gas producer is basing its 2022 budget on what it calls a “conservative” export price of $296 per 1,000 cubic meters, according to a company presentation made to investors on Wednesday.
Gazprom has traditionally been cautious in its budget estimates, saying this helps mitigate the impact of volatile prices. In its budget for 2021, the company made a similarly reserved call on export prices, of $250/1,000 cm, that didn’t materialize. The gas producer’s average 2021 export price is actually much higher, at over $280/1,000 cm, according to Deputy Chief Executive Famil Sadygov.
Gazprom’s conservative 2022 budget comes as Europe, its main export market, buckles under a supply crunch that’s pushed benchmark gas contracts to break record after record in recent months. Constrained supplies from Russia mean the continent has to rely on its depleted storage sites, as nuclear outages throughout the continent mean more gas is needed to generate electricity. The outlook for Europe’s gas supply doesn’t look much better next year either.
The company sees an export price of $296/1,000 cm for all its foreign markets next year, including Europe, Turkey and other countries in Asia, according to the presentation seen by Bloomberg News. Gazprom’s 2022 budget envisions total exports of 227 billion cm, about 2% above the level the 2021 budget is based on.
Despite Gazprom’s caution on export-price estimates, the company still expects to report record earnings for this year and 2022 because of Europe’s gas crunch and the price rally that’s followed.