據油氣新聞12月28日消息稱,俄羅斯副總理Alexander Novak在接受 Rossiya-24 電視頻道采訪時表示,俄羅斯有望在2022年達到疫情前的石油產量水平,并將其增加到5.4億噸 - 5.5億噸。
Novak表示:“就俄羅斯而言,我們希望在2022年5月達到減產前的產量水平。明年我們行業的產量將超過2021年,我們預計在5.4億噸 - 5.5億噸左右。”
他補充說,隨著世界學會應對冠狀病毒感染,石油需求將繼續反彈。它將在2022年底達到危機前的水平。他說:“根據我們的預測,需求將繼續復蘇。盡管疫情尚未消失,但世界上的消費正在增長,但它仍然是一波又一波地出現。盡管如此,各國已經學會了如何在疫情條件下生活。到明年年底,2022 年的需求將恢復到疫情前的水平。”
朱佳妮 摘譯自 油氣新聞
Russia to increase oil production in 2022 to 540-550 mln tonnes
Russia can reach pre-pandemic levels of oil production in 2022 and increase it to 540-550 mln tonnes, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said an interview with the Rossiya-24 TV channel.
“As far as Russia is concerned, we expect to reach the production levels that we had before the cuts by May 2022. Next year our industry will produce more than in 2021, we expect somewhere around 540-550 mln tonnes,” Novak said.
He added that oil demand will continue to rebound as the world has learned to cope with coronavirus infection. It will reach the pre-crisis level by the end of 2022. “According to our forecasts, demand will continue to recover. Consumption in the world is growing, despite the fact that the pandemic has not gone anywhere, but it is still present in waves. Nevertheless, countries have already learned how to live under the pandemic conditions. Demand in 2022, by the end next year, will recover to the pre-pandemic levels,” he said.
Novak went on to say that as of now, the market is balanced in relation to supply and demand, including due to the joint actions by Russia and other countries as part of OPEC+.