據管道&天然氣雜志網12月15日東京報道, 日本大阪天然氣公司(Osaka Gas Co.)周三表示,計劃進入印度城市天然氣市場,作為擴大海外業務以推動利潤增長的一部分。
郝芬 譯自 管道&天然氣雜志網
Japan's Osaka Gas Plans to Enter India's City Market
Japan's Osaka Gas Co. said on Wednesday it plans to enter India's city gas market as a part of efforts to expand its overseas businesses to drive profit growth.
"We want to be the first Japanese company to enter the Indian city gas market as a joint venture with a foreign partner with expertise in city gas infrastructure," a spokesperson said, adding that the entry will likely happen "in the near future."
The Indian government is promoting the use of natural gas and grants operators exclusive marketing rights and infrastructure ownership for a certain period, they said.
The Japanese city gas supplier aims to supply natural gas to vehicles, homes and industries in India, using trucks and pipelines, as natural gas vehicles account for the majority of city gas demand in India, they added.
Osaka Gas has stepped up overseas expansion in a bid to achieve its long-term goal, set in 2017, to triple its recurring profits by 2030, with contribution from abroad to account for one-third of the total profit, from about 5% in 2017.