據俄羅斯油氣網12月19日消息稱,俄羅斯國家儲備委員會證實,Ignyalinsky 區塊的儲量增加了兩倍,該區塊是Chonsky 油田組的一部分,該項目的可采儲量增加了35%至2.9億噸。
俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司專家更新了伊爾庫茨克州 Ignyalinskoye 油田的地震模型,獲得了該區塊結構和資源潛力的進一步證據。
俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司的 Chonsky 項目涉及開發位于伊爾庫茨克地區和雅庫特邊境的 Ignyalinsky、Tympuchikansky 和 Vakunaysky 許可區塊。
Chonsky 油田許可區塊距東西伯利亞-太平洋(ESPO)輸油管道約100公里。被納入Chonsky項目的油田已探明的石油總儲量超過10億噸,天然氣儲量約為3000億立方米。
曹海斌 摘譯自 俄羅斯油氣網
Gazprom Neft increases reserves estimates at Eastern Siberia’s Chonsky group
Russia’s State Reserves Commission has confirmed a 2-fold increase in reserves at the Ignyalinsky block, forming part of the Chonsky group of fields, with recoverable reserves on this project increasing 35% to 290 million tonnes.
Gazprom Neft specialists have updated the seismic model for the Ignyalinskoye field in the Irkutsk Oblast, having acquired further evidence of this block’s structure and resource potential.
Updated data on recoverable reserves at this asset have now been included in the State Reserves Register, doubling recoverable reserves, which now stand at 151 million tonnes of oil.
Work on developing the seismic model has been ongoing for 4 years.
Gazprom Neft’s Chonsky project involves developing the Ignyalinsky, Tympuchikansky and Vakunaysky licence blocks, located on the border between the Irkutsk Region and Yakutia.
The Chonsky-field licence blocks lie some 100 km away from the Eastern Siberia—Pacific Ocean (ESPO) oil pipeline. The fields included in the Chonsky project have total booked reserves of over one billion tonnes of oil, and some 300 billion m3 of natural gas.