這家瑞典石油和天然氣公司將在水深229米的梅爾斯坦遠景構造鉆一口勘探井。 井場位于第886號生產許可證。
倫丁能源挪威公司將于2022年1月開鉆這口勘探井。 此井鉆井作業完成后,“深海斯塔萬格號”半潛式鉆機將于2022年第一季度開始實施與挪威能源巨頭Equinor達成的在挪威大陸架進行鉆井作業的合同。
李峻 編譯自 海上工程師網
Norway: Lundin Gets OK to Drill at Melstein Prospect
The Norwegian offshore oil and gas safety regulator PSA Norway has granted Lundin Energy Norway consent to drill an exploration well in block 6306/9 in the Norwegian sea.
Lundin Energy will use Odfjell Drilling's Deepsea Stavanger semi-submersible drilling rig for the operation.
The oil and gas company will drill the well at the Melstein prospect, sitting in a water depth of 229 meters. The well site is located in the production license 886.
Odfjell Drilling, the rig owner, said earlier this month that Lundin had awarded it a one-well contract for the use of the Deepsea Stavanger.
The rig owner said that the well had been exercised as part of the options agreed in the contract entered into between the parties in March 2021.
Lundin will start drilling the well in January 2022. After the completion of the well, the rig will start its contract with Equinor on the Norwegian continental shelf in the first quarter of 2022.