據今日油價網站7月27日消息 據彭博社報道,由于日本是世界上最大的液化天然氣進口國,日本雄心勃勃地將能源轉向可再生能源正威脅著未來對液化天然氣的需求。
報道引述瑞士信貸能源分析師Saul Cavonic的話稱:“此舉將進一步抑制日本液化天然氣買家簽署2030年以后長期協議的意愿,如果需求最終高于目標水平,這可能使他們更容易受到短期價格動態的影響。”
王磊 摘譯自 今日油價
Japan Energy Transition Threatens LNG Demand
Japan’s ambitious energy shift to renewables is threatening future demand for liquefied natural gas as the country is the world’s largest importer of the commodity, Bloomberg reports.
Japan last week unveiled plans to boost renewable power generation capacity twofold over the next ten years, cutting the share of fossil fuels in its energy mix to less than 50 percent. The plan will involve halving the amount of energy Japan generates from liquefied natural gas over the period.
Bloomberg quotes traders and analysts as saying these ambitions could see LNG imports to Japan drop by a third by 2030 and will also put an end to long-term LNG supply deals that currently account for most of the country’s LNG supply.
“The move will further dampen Japanese LNG buyers’ appetite to sign long-term deals that extend beyond 2030, which could leave them more exposed to short-term price dynamics if demand ends up higher than targeted,” the report quoted Credit Suisse energy analyst Saul Cavonic as saying.
Achieving the goal of cutting carbon dioxide emissions by 46 percent from 2013 levels by 2030 may prove difficult. The target is 77 percent higher than Japan’s earlier emissions-cutting commitments, according to a Wall Street Journal report on the new energy plan. It will involve a substantial increase in solar and wind generation capacity in a country where available land is scarce.