據烴加工新聞8月4日消息稱,尼日利亞石油部長Timipre Sylva表示,尼日利亞已批準其國有石油公司以27.6億美元收購丹格特煉油廠20%的股份。
由非洲首富 Aliko Dangote 擁有的這座日產65萬桶的煉油廠正在拉各斯建設,拉各斯是非洲最大的燃料消費城市,也是該地區最大的城市。煉油廠定于一月份投產。
該國表示,NNPC 與私營公司合作的舉措符合維護國家能源安全的原則,不會破壞重建本國煉油廠的計劃。
NNPC 在 6 月表示,它已與丹格特集團簽署協議,購買其190億美元煉油廠的股權,并正在與銀行商談借款購買股權的事宜,但該計劃需要政府批準。
丹格特集團此前曾表示,NNPC 和其他三家公司已就股權收購事宜與其接觸,以確保達成原油供應協議。
朱佳妮 摘譯自 烴加工新聞
NNPC to buy 20% stake in Dangote's oil refinery
Nigeria has given its state oil firm the green light to acquire a 20% stake in Dangote's oil refinery for $2.76 billion, junior oil minister Timipre Sylva said.
The 650,000-barrel-per-day oil refinery, owned by Africa's richest man Aliko Dangote, is under construction in Lagos, the biggest city in the most fuel-consuming nation in the region. The refinery is scheduled for commissioning by January.
Sylva said the government approved the Nigerian National Petroleum Corp's (NNPC) acquisition at a Cabinet meeting, he told reporters in Abuja, adding that the country also awarded contracts for the modernisation of two state-owned refineries.
The has said the NNPC's move to work with private companies was in line with safeguarding the country's energy security and would not undercut plans to rehabilitate its own refineries.
The NNPC said in June it had signed term sheets with Dangote Group for the stake in its $19 billion oil refinery and is in talks with banks to borrow to buy the stake but would require government approval of the plan.
The Dangote Group has previously said NNPC and three other firms had approached it regarding a stake purchase, to be able to secure crude supply agreements.
Nigeria, Africa's biggest crude oil exporter, imports virtually all its fuel due to moribund state refineries, which has prompted NNPC's interest in Dangote's oil refinery.
In March, Nigeria approved $1.5 billion of spending on the modernisation of the Port Harcourt oil refinery and awarded a contract to Italy's Tecnimont.