??據8月9日Oil Monster消息:廉價天然氣的時代已經結束,取而代之的是能源成本更高的時代,這將在全球經濟中產生連鎖反應。
總部位于莫斯科的Macro-Advisory Ltd首席執行官Chris Weafer表示:“隨著主要經濟體致力于實現碳排放目標,天然氣將成為未來幾十年的過渡燃料。天然氣價格更有可能在中期內保持高位,并在長期內上漲?!?/p>
馮娟 摘譯自 Oil Monster
Natural Gas Prices Surge as Energy Transition-Driven Demand Outstrips Supply
The era of cheap natural gas is over, giving way to an age of far more costly energy that will create ripple effects across the global economy.
Natural gas, used to generate electricity and heat homes, was abundant and cheap during much of the last decade amid a boom in supply from the U.S. to Australia. That came crashing to a halt this year as demand drastically outpaced new supply. European gas rates reached a record this week, while deliveries of the liquefied fuel to Asia are near an all-time high for this time of year.
With few other options, the world is expected to depend more on cleaner-burning gas as a replacement to coal to help achieve near-term green goals. But as producers curb investments into new supply amid calls from climate-conscious investors and governments, it is becoming apparent that expensive energy is here to stay.
“No matter how you look at it, gas will be the transition fuel for decades to come as major economies are committed to reach carbon emission targets,” said Chris Weafer, chief executive officer of Moscow-based Macro-Advisory Ltd. “The price of gas is more likely to stay elevated over the medium-term and to rise over the longer-term.”