在美國國家安全顧問杰克·沙利文(Jake Sullivan)表示目前的增產計劃還不夠之后,紐約股市期貨一度暴跌1.8%。近幾個月來,這個全球最大石油消費國的汽油價格一直穩定在每加侖3美元以上,隨著疫情限制的放松,這給重新上路的司機們帶來了壓力。
美國過去曾敦促歐佩克+增加供應,最近一次是在今年4月,當時能源部長詹妮弗·格蘭霍姆(Jennifer Granholm)致電沙特王儲阿卜杜勒阿齊茲·本·薩勒曼(Abdulaziz bin Salman),強調“可負擔能源”的重要性。
倫敦時間下午 12:35,紐約商品交易所 9 月交割的西德克薩斯中質原油價格下跌 1.1%,至每桶 67.54 美元。
在周二上漲2.3%后,ICE 歐洲期貨交易所 10 月結算的布倫特原油價格下跌 1%,至 69.92 美元。
7月,由沙特阿拉伯和俄羅斯領導的歐佩克+ 23國聯盟同意謹慎地分批恢復疫情期間停產的剩余產量,每月恢復40萬桶。
裘寅 編譯自 Rigzone
Oil Down After USA Calls for OPEC+ Production Boost
Oil dropped suddenly after the U.S. called on the OPEC+ alliance to revive production more quickly.
Futures tumbled as much as 1.8% in New York after National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said current plans to boost output weren’t sufficient. The world’s largest oil-consuming nation has seen gasoline prices firmly above $3 a gallon in recent months, putting pressure on drivers who are back on the road as pandemic restrictions ease.
“We are engaging with relevant OPEC+ members on the importance of competitive markets in setting prices,” Sullivan said in a statement. “Competitive energy markets will ensure reliable and stable energy supplies, and OPEC+ must do more to support the recovery.”
The U.S. has urged OPEC+ in the past to increase supply, most recently in April when Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm called her Saudi counterpart Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman to highlight the importance of “affordable energy.”
West Texas Intermediate for September delivery fell 1.1% to $67.54 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange at 12:35 p.m.London time.
Brent for October settlement was down 1% at $69.92 on the ICE Futures Europe exchange, after gaining 2.3% on Tuesday.
The 23-nation OPEC+ alliance led by Saudi Arabia and Russia agreed in July to revive the rest of the production they halted during the pandemic in careful installments, of 400,000 barrels a day each month.
Oil prices have softened in the past few weeks as the delta variant prompts fresh lockdowns in other key fuel consumers in Asia. Still, many analysts expect global markets will soon tighten as demand begins to pick up again. OPEC’s own data show its planned monthly hikes will fill only a fraction of the supply deficit over the rest of this year.
WTI futures gained 2.7% on Tuesday, when the American Petroleum Institute reported motor fuel stockpiles fell by 1.11 million barrels last week, according to people familiar with the data. That would be the fourth weekly draw, the longest run of declines since September, if confirmed by official figures due later Wednesday.