據鉆機地帶8月12日消息稱,哥倫比亞國家石油公司(Ecopetrol)與財政部簽署了一項36億美元的協議,收購輸電公司Interconexion Electrica SA,簡稱ISA。
一份監管文件顯示,Ecopetrol 同意以每股25000比索(6.3美元)的價格收購,較周三21500比索的收盤價溢價16%。該合同將購買569472561股,相當于51.4%的股份。
財政部長Jose Manuel Restrepo在波哥大舉行的新聞發布會上表示,價格處于估值范圍的“上限”。Ecopetrol首席執行官Felipe Bayon表示,雖然該交易需要在12月6日前完成,但可能會在3至4周內完成。
總部位于麥德林的 ISA 在拉丁美洲各國經營輸電線路和收費公路。ISA的股價今年已經下跌了16%,而哥倫比亞基準的Colcap指數下跌了13%。
朱佳妮 摘譯自 鉆機地帶
Ecopetrol Signs $3.6B Deal to Acquire ISA
Colombia’s state-controlled oil company Ecopetrol SA signed a $3.6 billion deal with the Finance Ministry to acquire electricity transmission company Interconexion Electrica SA, or ISA.
Ecopetrol agreed to pay 25,000 pesos per share ($6.3), a 16% premium on Wednesday’s closing price of 21,500 pesos, according to a regulatory filing. The contract is for 569,472,561 shares, equivalent to a 51.4% stake.
The price is in the “upper bound” of the range of valuations, Finance Minister Jose Manuel Restrepo said at a press conference in Bogota. Ecopetrol CEO Felipe Bayon said that while the deal needs to happen before Dec. 6, it will likely occur in 3 to 4 weeks.
The acquisition of the utility will speed up Ecopetrol’s transformation of its business model, Bayon said. While oil and gas will continue to be the core business, Ecopetrol aims to cut carbon emissions, invest in renewable energy and add new business lines as the world moves away from hydrocarbons.
Medellin-based ISA operates electricity transmission lines and toll highways in countries across Latin America. Shares in ISA have fallen 16% this year, compared to a 13% drop for Colombia’s benchmark Colcap index.
Colombia will use the funds for this year’s budget, according to Restrepo. The government will be paid in U.S. dollars and will convert these into pesos in a gradual and responsible way to limit the impact on the peso, he said.