據8月13日Oil Monster消息:美國能源信息署表示,隨著煤炭消費量的增加,預計天然氣價格上漲將導致能源行業二氧化碳排放量增加。
EIA代理署長Steve Nalley在一份新聞稿中說:“盡管隨著美國經濟的開放,與能源相關的二氧化碳排放量大幅增長,但我們認為這些排放量不會回到疫情前的水平,至少在短期內不會。”
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High Natural Gas Prices Lead to Increased Coal Generation, 2021 Carbon Emissions
Higher natural gas prices are projected to contribute to an increase in energy sector carbon dioxide emissions as coal consumption rises, the US Energy Information Administration said Aug. 10.
Carbon dioxide emissions from the energy sector will increase 7% to 4.9 billion mt in 2021 given growing economic activity, according to the EIA's Short-Term Energy Outlook. The sector's emissions fell 11% in 2020.
Notably, the projected 2021 increase in coal generation amid higher natural gas prices is partially to blame for the significant increase in climate-warming emissions. Coal-related CO2 emissions are expected to increase 17% this year as coal contributes a larger share of electricity.
"Despite significant growth in energy-related CO2 emissions as the US economy opens up, we don't see these emissions returning to pre-pandemic levels, at least in the short term," EIA Acting Administrator Steve Nalley said in a release.
In 2022, the agency expects the energy sector's CO2 emissions to rise another 1%, with coal's share of emissions falling 7%. Natural gas' share of power generation is projected in 2021 to decline from 2020 levels.