今年3月,俄羅斯的石油日產量為1018萬桶,而美國為1118萬桶。 4月,俄羅斯石油日產量增至1046萬桶,美國則為1117萬桶。5月,俄羅斯將石油產量降至1043萬桶/天,而美國降至1096萬桶/天。
馮娟 摘譯自 塔斯社
Russia second to US by average daily oil production in January-May 2021 — statistics
Russia was second in oil production after the United States in January-May 2021, the state statistics service Rosstat reported on Tuesday.
Russia was producing 10.18 mln barrels of oil per day in March 2021 against 11.18 barrels daily by the US. In April, Russia’s production grew to 10.46 mln barrels per day vs. 11.17 mln barrels a day in the United States. Russia lowered oil production to 10.43 mln barrels daily in May 2021, while the US reduced oil output to 10.96 mln barrels per day.
Saudi Arabia was producing 8.14 mln barrels of oil per day in March 2021, 8.13 mln barrels daily in April, and 8.54 mln barrels per day in May 2021.
Russia produced in total 212.3 mln tonnes of oil during first five months of this year, down 6.2% in annual terms. Russian oil export lost 16.9% to 50.8 mln tonnes in the reporting period.
The share of oil exports amounted to 41.3% in the total volume of Russian exports in January-May 2021, Rosstat reported. Oil production in May gained 11.6% in the country and climbed to 44.3 mln tonnes.