俄羅斯擁有世界上唯一的一支核動力破冰船隊。 由于氣候變化導致冰層融化,俄羅斯將建造這支以LNG為動力的破冰船隊,希望將穿過其北側的北冰洋航線發展成一條國際航線。
俄羅斯國家原子能公司(Rosatom)首席執行官阿列克謝·利哈喬夫告訴記者:“我們現在回到了這個建造以LNG為動力破冰船的話題。 我認為,到今年年底前,我們將決定建造兩到四艘中型以LNG為動力破冰船的可能性。 ”
俄羅斯第2大天然氣生產商諾瓦泰克在2018年與俄羅斯國家原子能公司簽署了一項諒解協議,共同開發以LNG為動力的破冰船。 但這些計劃后來都不了了之。 諾瓦泰克在北極地區有幾個LNG項目。
俄羅斯去年建造的最新破冰船《北極號》是該系列項目的第一艘。 另外四艘目前正在開發中。
李峻 編譯自 天然氣加工和液化天然氣
Russia to build first LNG-powered icebreakers for Arctic sea route
Russia plans to build its first batch of icebreakers that are powered by LNG, a top official said on Friday, returning to an idea that was put on hold.
Russia has the world's only fleet of nuclear-powered icebreakers. It is building up that fleet, hoping to develop the Northern Sea Route across its northern flank into an international shipping lane as climate change melts the ice.
"We are now returning to this topic (building LNG,-powered icebreakers). I think that by the end of the year we will decide on the possible construction of two to four medium-sized icebreakers," Rosatom chief Alexei Likhachev told reporters.
Russia's government has named state nuclear energy firm Rosatom as the Northern Sea Route's state operator.
Gas producer Novatek signed an agreement of understanding with Rosatom to develop LNG-powered icebreakers in 2018. But those plans went quiet. Novatek has several LNG, projects in the Arctic.
LNG-powered icebreakers cost half the 60 billion roubles ($814 million) needed to build nuclear-powered icebreakers.
Likhachev's deputy Kirill Komarov said Rosatom had also ordered another two nuclear-powered icebreakers known by their project name 22220.
Arktika, Russia's newest icebreaker that was built last year, was the first of that project series. Another four are currently in development.
The Kremlin wants to increase the amount of cargo transported through the NSR to 80 million tonnes from 33 million tonnes last year by shipping hydrocarbons and other resources produced in the Arctic.