這家能源巨頭周三表示,該投資以三份合同的形式,由ADNOC Offshore在競爭性招標過程后授予斯倫貝謝、ADNOC鉆井公司和哈里伯頓。
ADNOC 上游執行董事 Yaser Saeed Almazrouei 表示:“這些一體化無鉆機服務的重要合約將推動鉆井及相關服務的效率, 并優化我們海上作業的成本,因為我們增加了鉆井活動以提高生產能力并啟用天然氣使阿聯酋自給自足。
此前,ADNOC Offshore的無鉆機服務是通過幾個獨立的特定服務合同提供的。通過綜合服務合同統一范圍,為公司提供了操作靈活性,同時提高了成本效率,并實現了承包商的單點責任。
ADNOC Offshore公司首席執行官Ahmad Saqer Al-Suwaidi表示:“這些合同是ADNOC Offshore公司計劃在未來幾年將我們的產能提高到200萬桶/天的重要貢獻,以支持ADNOC集團的智能增長戰略。”
合同涵蓋的六個人工島分別是上扎庫姆油田的Asseifiya、Ettouk、Al Ghallan和Umm Al Anbar, SARB油田的Al Qatia和Bu Sikeen。該公司強調,人工島提供了顯著的成本和環境效益,特別是在淺水區,可以使用成本較低的陸地鉆井平臺,而不是成本較高的海上自升式鉆井平臺。
裘寅 編譯自 離岸能源
Schlumberger and Halliburton win big as ADNOC dishes out $763.7 million in new deals
UAE’s oil and gas giant ADNOC is making an investment of $763.7 million (AED2.8 billion) in integrated rigless services across six of its artificial islands in the Upper Zakum and Satah Al Razboot (SARB) fields to support its production capacity expansion to 5 million barrels per day (mmbpd) by 2030.
The energy giant said on Wednesday that the investment is in the form of three contracts awarded by ADNOC Offshore to Schlumberger, ADNOC Drilling, and Halliburton after a competitive tender process.
Schlumberger’s share of the award is valued at $381.18 million; ADNOC Drilling’s share is valued at $228.71 million, and Halliburton’s share is valued at $153.87 million.
According to ADNOC, over 80 per cent of the total award value will flow back into the United Arab Emirate’s economy under the company’s In-Country Value (ICV) program over the 5-year duration of the contracts.
Yaser Saeed Almazrouei, ADNOC Upstream Executive Director, said: “These important awards for integrated rigless services will drive efficiencies of drilling and related services, and optimize costs in our Offshore operations as we ramp up our drilling activities to increase our production capacity and enable gas self-sufficiency for the UAE.
“The contractors bring best-in-class expertise and technologies with a proven track record in the industry and ADNOC Drilling’s scope reflects its expanded service profile following its successful transformation into a fully integrated drilling services (IDS) company, enabling it to offer its clients start-to-finish well drilling and construction services”.
The scope of the contracts includes coiled tubing services with thru-tubing downhole tools, stimulation services, including equipment and chemicals/fluid systems, surface well testing services, wireline, and production logging services and tools, saturation monitoring, and well integrity.
Previously, ADNOC Offshore’s rigless services were provided through several discrete service-specific contracts. Unifying the scope through integrated service contracts provides the company with operational flexibility while enabling cost efficiencies and single point responsibility by the contractors.
Ahmad Saqer Al-Suwaidi, CEO of ADNOC Offshore, said: “These contracts are an important contributor to ADNOC Offshore’s plans to build our production capacity to over 2 million barrels a day in the coming years to support the ADNOC Group’s smart growth strategy”.
The six artificial islands covered by the awards are Asseifiya, Ettouk, Al Ghallan, and Umm Al Anbar in the Upper Zakum field and Al Qatia and Bu Sikeen in the SARB field. The company emphasised that artificial islands provide significant cost and environmental benefits, particularly in shallow water, by enabling the use of lower-cost land drilling rigs instead of higher-cost offshore jack-up drilling rigs.
ADNOC Drilling’s transformation into a fully integrated drilling services provider followed the award to Baker Hughes of a 5 per cent share in the company, which is now capable of delivering start-to-finish drilling and well-construction services onshore and offshore.
Earlier this week, ADNOC joined the Hydrogen Council, a group of over 100 companies from over 20 countries working to ensure that hydrogen plays a key role in accelerating the energy transition and the journey towards a low-carbon future.