據7月13日塔斯社報道,根據國際能源機構(IEA) 7月的報告,該機構預測2021年全球石油需求將增長540萬桶/日。
王佳晶 摘譯自 塔斯社
IEA retains forecast for global oil demand growth at 5.4 mln bpd in 2021
The International Energy Agency (IEA) kept its forecast for growth in global oil demand in 2021 at 5.4 mln barrels per day, according to the IEA's July report.
After two consecutive months of decline in June, oil demand rose by 3.2 mln bpd to 96.8 mln bpd.
In 2022, the growth in oil demand, according to the IEA forecast, will amount to 3 mln bpd, however, the agency noted that risks remain due to the growing number of coronavirus cases in the world.
At the same time, the world oil supply in June increased by 1.1 mln to 95.6 mln bpd against the backdrop of increased production by OPEC+ countries.