據世界天然氣網站7月8日消息 意大利能源公司埃尼和阿爾及利亞液化天然氣出口終端運營商阿爾及利亞國家石油公司正在阿爾及利亞參與一個生產綠色氫氣的試點項目,以減少該國的二氧化碳排放。
吳恒磊 編譯自 世界天然氣
Eni and Sonatrach talk carbon footprint reduction in Algeria
Italian energy company Eni and Algerian LNG export terminal operator Sonatrach are joining in on a pilot project to produce green hydrogen in Algeria to reduce the country’s CO2 emissions.
Eni, present in Algeria since 1981, is considered the leading international company in the country.
Toufik Hakkar, the CEO of Sonatrach, and Alessandro Puliti, general manager of Eni, met on 7 July to review the progress of Eni’s activities in Algeria.
Sonatrach and Eni agreed to accelerate cooperation in the technological field. This continues the cooperation that started with a memorandum of understanding the two companies signed in March 2020 in Milan, which focused on hydrogen production.
The companies outlined a road map for the joint assessment of the technical and commercial feasibility of a pilot project to produce hydrogen using electricity generated from renewable sources (solar and wind).