去年,美國化石燃料消費量的絕對值和百分比都出現了自 1949 年以來最大的年度降幅,這是我們年度數據系列中最早出現的一年。去年對新冠疫情的經濟應對措施,包括美國交通部門能源消耗下降 15 %,在很大程度上推動了燃料消費的下降。美國在 2020年天氣相對溫暖,這減少了對取暖燃料的需求。
石油產品,包括車用汽油、餾分燃油(柴油)和碳氫液體(HGL),占到2020年美國化石燃料消費的44%。每一個部門都在消耗石油,但在2020年,交通運輸部門約占石油總消耗量的68 %。總體而言,美國石油消費量較2019年下降13%。
2020年,天然氣占美國化石燃料消費的 43 %,是有記錄以來最大的年度份額。每個行業都消耗天然氣,但電力行業在2020年用于發電和供熱的天然氣總消費量中所占比例達到創紀錄的38%。居民和商業部門直接消耗的化石燃料能源 80 %以上是天然氣,主要用于空間供暖。總體而言,美國天然氣消費量較2019年下降2%。
郝芬 譯自 ICIS- MRC
US fossil fuel consumption down by 9% in 2020 - EIA
In 2020, total consumption of fossil fuels in the United States, including petroleum, natural gas, and coal, fell to 72.9 quadrillion British thermal units (Btu), down 9% from 2019 and the lowest level since 1991, according to Hydrocarbonprocessing with reference to US Energy Information Administration's (EIA) Monthly Energy Review.
Last year marked the largest annual decrease in US fossil fuel consumption in both absolute and percentage terms since at least 1949, the earliest year in our annual data series. Economic responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, including a 15% decrease in energy consumption in the US transportation sector, drove much of the decline. The United States also had relatively warmer weather in 2020, which reduced demand for heating fuels.
Petroleum products, including motor gasoline, distillate fuel oil (diesel), and hydrocarbon gas liquids (HGLs), accounted for 44% of US fossil fuel consumption in 2020. Every sector consumes petroleum, but the transportation sector accounted for about 68% of total petroleum consumption in 2020. Overall, US petroleum consumption fell 13% in 2020 from 2019.
Natural gas accounted for 43% of US fossil fuel consumption in 2020, the largest annual share on record. Every sector consumes natural gas, but the electric power sector accounted for a record-high 38% of total natural gas consumption to generate electricity and heat in 2020. Over 80% of the fossil fuel energy directly consumed in the residential and commercial sectors is natural gas, and it is mostly used for space heating. Overall, US natural gas consumption decreased 2% in 2020 from 2019.