據ICIS網站7月7日消息 美國科羅拉多州州長賈里德·波利斯簽署了HB21-1162法案,從2024年開始禁止在大多數零售店和餐館使用一次性塑料袋和聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料(EPS)外賣容器。
王磊 摘譯自 ICIS
Colorado governor signs law banning single-use plastic bags
US Colorado state Governor Jared Polis signed HB 21-1162 into law, which bans single-use plastic bags and expanded polystyrene foam (EPS) takeout containers at most retail establishments and restaurants beginning in 2024.
Retailers will need to start charging a 10-cent fee per paper or plastic bag beginning in 2023 until the ban goes into effect. After that, the business may only furnish a recycled paper bag at a 10-cent fee.
The law allows several exemptions for small shops with three or fewer locations in the state.
The new law also repeals a statue that banned local governments from requiring or banning the use or sale of specific types of plastic materials that are stricter than state law. This would make Colorado the first state to repeal its preemption law.
The revenue from bag fees will mostly go back to local governments, with 60% of bag fees to go to local jurisdictions’ recycling programmes, and the other 40% going to businesses.
This ban comes on the heels of an active legislative season for state recycling bills with many states across the country proposing bans of single-use plastic, chemical recycling regulations, and extended producer responsibility (EPR) bills with varying degrees of success.